478: Why?


Because you are breathing, and life isn’t always fair. Because there are lessons you are supposed to learn from this, and you haven’t learned them yet, or you would not be going through this again. Because there is a reason that you can’t see, and this time, the lesson is that you are supposed to have faith and trust that God knows best for you. Even if it hurts.

Because it is for the good of someone else, not you this time. Because you are strong enough to take it, and come out victorious on the other side, even if it does not feel that way right now. Because you made a less-than wise (OK, butt-ugly, dumb, and stupid) decision and must now suffer the consequences of your own haste/poor judgment/desires. Because the universe and the planets aligned and it was simply your turn. Because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Because you deserved it (ouch). Because karma made that big circle, and your chickens are coming home to roost. Because you were good and noble and the world does not always honor that. Because it is a sacrifice. Because it is an honor. Because you love. Because you live.

Pick one.

6 thoughts on “478: Why?

  1. Reblogged this on GracedbyaHorse and commented:
    hello dirtdauber. Where does your name originate? Thank you for the couple of posts I read and thank you for reading my post. Morrocco sounds like maybe a year of my retirement may work. Going back to school in July and retire with a new career. Thank you.

    • A dirtdaubber is a mud wasp common in Georgia (USA). My first college degree was in ceramics, so mud was pretty fascinating to me on many levels. I like that they construct amazing houses for their young out of such a humble material. Thanks for the re-post, and the kind words – Morocco was amazing and is certainly worth an extended visit.

  2. Enlightening post. Because God knows best for us even though it hurts. Here, here and LOL.

    • I turned my troubled first marriage over to God when I had done everything I knew to save it under my own power. Six months later, he dropped dead of a heart condition I did not know he had. That was NOT what I had in mind. I wanted God to fix him, not let him die. Second husband was worth the trauma, and healed a lot of wounds. Yes, even when it hurts.

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